Monday, May 13, 2013

How To Become An OrGano Gold Diamond In 120 Days!

Everyone is asking how in the world did John and Blanca go Diamond in 90-Days, Blue Diamonds in 6 months, Black Diamonds is 15 Months and this month of February they are expected to achieve the Crown Diamond Level with OrGano Gold!
Well, Organo Gold is the only company that makes success simple and duplicate-able.  Let us provide for your the Blue Print for an OrGano Gold Diamond.

STEP 1 – SAPPHIRE 14,000 QV divided into 1.300 QV (Gold Pack) =  11 people in your entire network with a Gold Pack, within 30 days

STEP 2 – RUBY 40,000 QV divided into 1.300 QV (Gold Pack) =   32 people in your entire network with a Gold Pack, within 30 days

STEP 3 – EMERALD 80,000 QV divided into 1.300 QV (Gold Pack) =    64 people in your entire network with a Gold Pack, within 30 days

STEP 4 – DIAMOND 200,000  QV divided into 1.300 QV (Gold Pack) =  154 people in your network with a Gold Pack, within 30 days

BELIEF is very important

ACTION is even more important

MASSIVE ACTION VERY FAST is the Magic Formula, which we used in Greece.
For your benefit:
USE the System as instructed… DO NOT try to be creative.
BE the Example to your Team:
Have the Gold Pack,
Be on Auto-ship with 450 QV the First of Each Month
Recruit 4 New Reps per month
Have 4 Coffee Parties per Week
Make sure every Coffee Party creates at least 1,000 QV
Do that Four Weeks a Month
Attend ALL the OG Events – Don’t miss any of them.
Bring Your Team to events at whatever cost.
  • Make sure you create A First Week Success Story
  • Make sure you create A First 30-day Success Story
  • Make sure you create A First 9-day Success Story
Now You have the SAME formula I have and I used.   Is your turn to use it, to teach it and become Diamond.

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