Coffee Jazz Mixers (CJM) Training


A Coffee Jazz Mixer is the best way to share your Coffee beverages and show the business opportunity presentation. It gives your guests the opportunity to taste the coffee, sip the experience, understand your vision, and see the phenomenal business plan that is continuing to create thousands of success stories (worldwide). Conducting CJMs weekly while giving out samples have been proven very successful by diamonds and above!
We recommend taking immediate action by hosting your initial CJM within the first seven days of launching your business. This will allow you to build personal momentum that will come from new distributors joining your presentation. The system recommends hosting or supporting 4 CJMs a week. Keeping close communication with your sponsor or upline will be critical to your success. We recommend you update them on your calendar of events so they can be available to provide you the proper support.
Recommended Locations to Host your CJMs:
  • Home
  • Apartment
  • Office
  • Restaurant
  • Hotel
Recommended days and times for CJMS:
Weekdays: 7:00pm
Saturdays: 2:00pm up to 7:00pm
Sundays: 3:00pm up to 6:00pm
CJMs should take about 45min – 1 hour.
Who to invite?
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Relatives
  • Co-workers
  • Neighbors
  • People you just met
  • People you gave samples to
We recommend inviting these 4 checkers:
  1. Self-starters
  2. Influential People
  3. Teachable, Trainable, Coachable People
  4. People with financial resources
Your goal should be to have 5 qualified prospects in attendance.
Realistic Expectations:
For a list of 50 people, here’s an estimate of what to expect:
  • 30 to 35 people will answer the phone
  • 15 to 20 will confirm
  • 7 to 10 will show up
  • Expect everyone to buy product
How to set up a CJM:
1. prepare:
a sign in sheet (Name, phone, email)
distributor applications
cups for hot beverages
cups for cold beverages
straw (optional)
hot water
2. NO FOOD - It’s best not to have food, but if you must, just have some pastries or bagels. if you’re filipino, offer spanish rolls (really good with coffee!) The reason why is because you want to show your potential downline/ distributor that they can do this too! It’s easy! You do not want to give the impression that it will cost them a lot of money to do the same thing. So keep it simple!
3. Set up a table to display all the products. (Keep an empty box of each product so that you can use it to display) It will be a great way for your guests to see the products at hand.
4. Set up another table for boxes of coffee (for retail sales)
5. Have a TV and DVD PLAYER or LAPTOP and projector. Have the COFFEE THAT PAYS DVD or OG presentation slideshow DVD (you can buy these DVDs on www.ogunive
A few DON’Ts :
- don’t interrupt or correct the speaker or person presenting
- don’t mention the no-show
- don’t pre-judge your guests’ interest level or read body language
- don’t give any flyers until after the presentation so that they are not distracted reading something else. They will miss important info!
- don’t promote other businesses! It will confuse them!
>;ENERGY is critical! Keep an exciting atmosphere! Play some Music!
7:00 – 7:15pm COFFEE TASTING: As guest arrive greet them nicely and have them sign in and ask how they drink their coffee – black or cream and sugar: serve them the appropriate beverage, introduce them to everyone, and escort them to their seat.
>;GET STARTED ON TIME! Don’t punish those who came in early or arrived on time.
7:15 – 7:20pm HOSTING: Turn music off. Welcome everyone and in 2 minutes or less, introduce yourself and share with everyone why you are excited about Organo Gold.

Here's an example:

7:20 – 8:00pm PRESENTATION:
You could do it 2 ways:
1. Turn on your DVD player and put in the COFFEE THAT PAYS DVD. (31 minutes long) It covers the business overview, compensation plan, and testimonials.
2. Turn on your laptop and projector or connect your laptop to tv, go on the internet, go to and play the video on the homepage. (6 minutes) When the show is done, switch to the Opportunity Presentation slideshow and go through each slide and talk about the business overview, the 8 ways to get paid and how to get started. Share your testimonial. (25 minutes long)
8:00 – 8:15pm CLOSE: If you have some Organo Gold distributors in attendance, have 3 or less come to front of the room and take 1 minute or less to share their name, background, and why they got started. The goal is to show diversity and connect with the guests. (This is also a perfect time to make and serve Iced Lattes!)
8:15 pm – 8:20pm ENROLLMENT: Let the guests know you’ll have 5 minute enrollment period for them to fill out applications and get their questions answered. Turn on the music and talk to each person individually and answer any questions they may have.
Question #1
“Do you see an opportunity for yourself?” If they say No, thank them for coming, sell them coffee at retail and ask them for referrals. Ask “could i keep you updated and informed through email? Timing could change things. If you change your mind, would you mind contacting me and doing business with me?” If they say yes, proceed to question 2.
Question #2
“What position do you see yourself getting started: Bronze, Silver, or Gold?”
If they say Bronze, explain that it wont be enough coffee and there is no matching bonus at Bronze position. With the Gold pack, you can get started on 20% commission on dual team bonus.
8:20 – 8:30 PM 4 STEP TRAINING
If You have signed up at least one person, I say go ahead and take ten minutes to train them on the 4 steps of Success! Have them buy 2 boxes of coffee (remember, you learned this from here) – Black and Latte, so they can get started right away!
Once concluded, support your new business partners and duplicate the CJMs until you reach Diamond and beyond!

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